Families » School Supplies

School Supplies

School Supplies


At Signal Hill our teachers purchase all of the supplies for the students that are needed for the school year.  We request that parents make a payment towards classroom supplies rather than purchase a large collection of items for September.  Primary K-3 students will pay $50 and Intermediate students will pay $60 for all of their supplies required for the school year. Grade 5 French Immersion students will pay an addition $30 for their French/English Dictionary and Bescherelle L’art De Conjuguer.


This payment will be used by each classroom teacher to order the necessary supplies and equipment to be equally shared amongst their students. Our school is exploring new ways to learn online and digitally, and will have more focus on outdoor learning.  This payment will provide teachers with an opportunity to access resources for their students that are tailored specifically for the learning they are planning. Please note that this is a minimum payment amount per student to fund the basic requirements in the classroom and every extra dollar helps to contribute to valuable additional learning resources.


If you are able to add an extra donation to your payment this will go towards the classroom supply fund and could contribute to supporting extra sets of resources to deliver specific projects in class!  For example, with an additional $200 a classroom teacher could buy new science experiment supplies, art supplies, learning games and puzzles, manipulatives, compasses and tools for outdoor adventures, headphones, magnetic whiteboards – just to name a few!!!


We are requesting that all students do not bring their own supplies in September and purchase our package through our Cash Online Program. You will receive an email requesting to pay your child’s school supplies late summer/early September.


If you have not yet set up your Cash Online account for your children, please go to https://sd48seatosky.schoolcashonline.com/ to set up your account after August 15th. If you do not set up an account, you can pay at the office with cash for your children’s school supplies in September.